Compliment & Congratulations

Argy: Hi Ghea, long time no see bro!
Ghea: Hey Argy, Nice to see you
Argy: how are you?
Ghea: yeah im fine thanks, how about you?
Argy:im fine too
Ghea: where have you been?
Argy: I've been busy because of the preparation fot the scholarship to germany for one semester.
Ghea: Wow cool! how lucky you are, Congrats Bro! I'm proud of you
argy: Thank you very much.
ghea: Oh, Are you winning a competition for get the scholarship?
Argy: yes,last month I win the international Deutsch competition, How about you?
Ghea:Oh. I've win the Baseball National Championship.
argy: Wow that's amazing!And then  what do you got from that?
Ghea: I got a trophy and then I will continue the international championship.
Argy: Oh Wow that's great,good luck then!See you
Ghea:Thank you, good luck too! All the best for you,see you later! 


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