Suggestions and Offers

 Suggestions and Offers Dialogue

Next week two of teenagers are having a holiday. But they're still confuse to decide where do they want to go, and then they start to discuss.

Jack: " Hi John! what's up?"
John: " Hi Jack I'm fine thanks. How about you?"
Jack: " Fine too. Hey by the way next week is Summer break. Let's have a vacation John!"
John: " OH, yes I just remember that next week is holiday. Come on let's have a vacation."
Jack: " But i confused where should we go"
John:" How about we go to the beach?'
Jack:" Ah men, It's too mainstream. I think it will be lot of people go there."
John:" Oh yeah, You right"
Jack:" I think i have a great Idea!"
Jack: " How about we have a tour of an art exhibtion and art gallery museum. It would be a unique vacation!"
John: "Oh my god that's a great idea lets find some good references of those things!"
Jack:" Okay come on!"


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